Compulsory Courses
The following offer awaits you with our obligatory dog courses
Based on the Zurich Dog Ordinance (Zürcher Hundeverordnung), our learning goals are as follows:
Puppy training (5 lessons)
Dog age: 8-16 weeks
1. the development of the dog’s bond with the owner,
2. promoting desired behavior in the puppy,
3. socialization with people and conspecifics as well as getting used to the environment,
4. the use of animal-friendly educational methods,
5. the perception and implementation of the duties as a keeper
Young dog course (12 lessons)
Dog age: 16 weeks -18 months
1. achieving basic obedience from the dog,
2. correctly tying and leading the dog on a leash,
3. the animal-friendly and safe handling of the dog in the environment, as well as when encountering people, other animals and other animals, especially wild animals,
4. a continuation and deepening of the learning goals of puppy support appropriate to the dog’s level of development,
5. the implementation of the principles that are important for safely leading the dog when living together with the dog.
Parenting course (12 lessons)
Dog age: 18 months – 8 years
The owner of a dog must attend a training course with the dog in the following cases:
1. She or he took over the dog when it was between 16 weeks and 18 months old, but the dog did not attend puppy training or did not attend it completely. The training course must be attended within one year of completing the young dog course.
2. She or he adopted or moved in with the dog when it was between 18 months and eight years old. The parenting course must be attended within one year of taking over or moving to the country.
3. She or he did not attend the puppy support program or the young dog course with the dog, even though she or he kept the dog at the age in question in the canton.
The learning goal of the training course is to deepen the content of the young dog course appropriate to the dog’s maturity and level of training.
The parenting course includes:
1. in the cases of numbers 1 and 2 above, at least ten practical lessons lasting at least 50 minutes, whereby the lessons must be attended on at least five different days,
2. in the case of number 3 above, at least 20 practical lessons lasting at least 50 minutes, with the lessons being attended on at least ten different days.
The lessons are held partly inside and partly outside the training area.